Електронни книги / Electronic books
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Търсене Електронни книги / Electronic books от Автор "Винарова/Vinarova, Живка/Zhivka"
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- ДокументЕлектронно здравеопазване (еЗдраве) - плюс филмова дискография(Издателство „Летера“, 2009) Винарова/Vinarova, Живка/Zhivka; Михова/Mihova, Полина/Polina; Тонев/Tonev, Стоян/Stoyan; Петков/Petkov, Асен/AseneHealth by Prof. J.Vinarova, MD, PhD, DSc, P.Mihova, PhD Prof. S. Tonev, MD, PhD, Prof. A. Petkov, MD, PhD, DSc (Textbook Review) The team of authors has set out to produce a totally comprehensive Book on eHealth. Within the 344 pages of the Book one can truthfully say that almost all aspects of eHealth get a mention. The Book is totally original in its treatment of the subject of eHealth. The Authors have set out to produce the defi nitive Book on eHealth for use within Bulgaria. Their ambition was to set their Treatise upon a mountain so that it would be there for all users to see and use, regardless of from which corner they approached it. It was to be a lasting monument. In the Introduction, Professor Vinarova, in a step-by-step process, very carefully shows how one arrives at the full meaning of eHealth starting from the electron. But the Book does not dwell on the micro-electronic level, rather it takes in the whole scenario of where modern technology can be used within the total health-sphere to the benefi t of both clinicians and patients. The Authors have left no stone unturned in their ambition to have covered every aspect of the use of computer-technology in Health. But no one should be put off for the Book wisely does not enter into the fi eld of micro-electronics in Health, as for instance in the workings of the CAT-Scanner. The Book covers many interesting aspects of eHealth, several of which have not been discussed in any detail before, e.g. Military Applications of eHealth. It ranges over Medical LANs and the Internet, Data-Mining, Artifi cial Intelligence, Cybernetics, and the Electronic Health Record. Finally, the writers are not introverted as the Book makes reference to materials published worldwide. There is no doubt that it is the authors’ intention to see this Book as a tool within education in Bulgaria to take that Nation into the 21st century. It is recommended that that Nation take it on-board. ============== Professor Bernard Richards, MSc, PhD, FBCS, FIMA, CEng, CMath, CScie, CITP Professor of Medical Informatics, University of Manchester, UK The British Computer Society’s 1998 Fellow of the Year Fellow of the John von Neumann Computer Society of Hungary Fellow of the Romanian Society of Medical Informatics Fellow of the Polish Society for Medical Informatics Fellow of the Czech Society for Medical Informatics Fellow of the Ukrainian Association for Computer Medicine Fellow of the Romainian Academy of Medical Science Бърнард Ричардс e доайен и лице на медицинската информатика в Европа. Професор по медицинска информатика в UMIST, президент на Института за електронни здравни записи и председател на Комитета по здравна информация към British Computer Society. Член на Съвета на украинската асоциация по компютърни науки в медицината, почетен член на Румънската академия на медицинските науки, член на Дружеството по медицинска информатика на Бохемия. Той е автор на първите Бази данни в света, специализирани за акушерство и инфекциозни болести. Лидер в Експертните системи, автор на една от първите в света експертни системи за сърдечно-съдови болести.