Acta Medica Bulgarica
Постоянни адреси на тази колекция
Многопрофилно списание, излизащо само на английски език от 1973 г. и до момента. Съдържа авторски статии от водещи български медицински специалисти, отразяващи върховите постижения на българската медицина наука и практика. Публикуват се материали, отразяващи резултати от експериментални проучвания, клиника и казуистика. ***** Излиза 2 пъти годишно. ***** ISSN:0324-1750 ***** Уебсайт:
***** About 30 years ago - in 1973, on the initiative of the Publishing House „Medicine and Physical Culture", namely its former director Mr. Traian Ivanov, the Ministry of Health set up and accepted to subsidize a new medical magazine that was to be published only in the English language and had to reflect the status and the achievements of the Bulgarian medical science.
Thus the language barrier was overcome and stable relations were established with the international medical society, large libraries, and university centers. The famous internationally known scientist professor Assen A. Hadjiolov was elected edition-in-chief by the first editorial staff and the magazine was named Acta Medica Bulgarica. For over 20 years, the staff of „Medicine and Physical Culture" did all the work related to the publishing of AMB regardless of the fact that the magazine kept on its appearance as organ of the Medical Academy, respectively of the Sofia Medical University. Editors-in-chief throughout the years were prof. Atanas Maleev, prof. Nikolay Belovezhdov, prof. Dimitar Djerov and prof. Vladimir Ovcharov. Gradually a greater number of scientists from all over the world as well as universities and scientific institutes demonstrated stronger interest in publishing their papers in AMB. The magazine is in demand by over 300 world medical libraries working on the exchange principle. For the last couple of years, AMB has been organ of the Sofia Medical University has been published by the Central Medical University Library - department of Medical Information. More than 30 years prof. Wenzeslav Bossnev has been responsible for the scientific edition of the magazine, while prof. Stoian Danev was later committed to the English version. The editorial staff respectfully marks out the joint efforts of all the colleagues that have of to the publishing of the magazine during the years of complex changes in social life and wishes the next generation of scientists to further develop and improve its scientific level and consolidate its position among international medical literature. ***** ISSN:0324-1750 ***** Website: