Angioneurotic edema caused by dental materials: a case report
Dermendjiev, S.
Stoyneva, Zl.
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Централна медицинска библиотека, МУ София / Central Medical Library - MU Sofia
The synthetic polymers are high-weight molecular organic substances
which are formed from one compound (monomer) or by several compounds
through chemical processes of polymerisation or polycondensation. Acrylamide, for
example, is used in dentistry to harden compositions with high adhesion. Methyl
methacrylate (MMK) is the main monomer in obtaining acrylic. It is widely used in
households and in different industries – production of organic glasses, lacquers,
resins, displays. MMK is often used as a substance in the preparation of various
composites, used in dentistry, dental fi llings, etc. MMK can be a health risk factor,
both in terms of acute, often occupational exposure and prolonged effects on the
human body. While acute exposure to high concentrations MMK produces clinical
manifestations of intoxication, which clinical picture and course are well known, the
adverse health effects arising from prolonged contact with this substance are very
diverse, involve different organs and systems, and some are still poorly studied. It is
known for example that MMK, like other polymeric substances and plastics exhibits
sensitizing effect in contact with skin and mucous membranes. After exposure
to methyl methacrylate, cases of contact dermatitis are described. Is it possible,
however, MMK, and substances in which it participates, to create another type of
allergic reactions? Responses to this question can provide the case we present.
Address for correspondence:
Svetlan Dermendjiev, MD
Occupational diseases and toxicology department
Medical University of Plovdiv
15a Vasil Aprilov blvd.
4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Ключови думи
Quinke’s edema, etiology, methyl methacrylate
Darmendjiev, S. and Zl. Stoyneva Angioneurotic edema caused by dental materials: a case report - Acta medica bulgarica , 38, 2011, N 1, 131-136.