Essentials of social medicine and medical ethics

Katrova, Lydia G. P.
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The purpose of this textbook is to provide the students with knowledge and skills to help build the following basic competences: -understanding of social and public health phenomena and processes, which take place at individual, group and community levels; -analyzing health status determinants and health indicators relevant to public health; -taking decisions based on a critical evaluation of the facts and circumstances; -solving problems of technological, medical, legal and ethical concerns upraising in the course of professional activities. The course of “Social Medicine and Medical Ethics" was developed in accordance with the general educational goals of the program agreed by the department of Public dental health of the Faculty of dental medicine of the Medical university of Sofia, Bulgaria. The chapters are organized to strengthen the links with the rest of the academic curriculum and to establish a sound basis for the subsequent teaching of the course of "Public dental health". The interdisciplinary approach, applied in this work, promotes further individual professional development after graduation. This work includes facts, trends, and relationships’ issues from different areas of the professionalization of dental practitioners while keeping optimal volume and structure. The content and the structure of this work correspond to the general educational purpose of the harmonized with EU competences undergraduate dental curriculum. Its main educational objective is to provide the Doctor of Dental Medicine with appropriate knowledge, skills and attitude important for the formation of his/her socioprofessional role as a liberal practitioner, while integrated in a public health system. With this work, we hope to help students from second year in their efforts to prepare for the term final examination in the discipline «Social medicine and Medical ethics», as well as postgraduate residents and dental practitioners in their search for professional excellence.
Ключови думи
здравеопазване; социална медицина - учебници; медицинска етика